
Pressure Converter
Pressure Unit Value
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Pressure Units: Interactions of Matter with Force

Pressure is a physical quantity obtained by dividing the force applied to a surface by its area. It is an important concept that describes the interaction of matter with each other or with their surroundings. Pressure is expressed in different units for different substances such as liquids, gases, and solids. Here are commonly used pressure units:

1. Pascal (Pa): Pascal is the basic unit of pressure and is accepted by the International System of Units (SI). It represents the amount of pressure when a force of one newton is applied to an area of one square meter.

2. Atmosphere (atm): Atmosphere is a pressure unit that is equivalent to 101.325 pascals (Pa) at sea level. Atmosphere is commonly used in meteorology and aviation. 1 atm is equal to the air pressure at sea level.

3. Bar (bar): Bar is a pressure unit equivalent to 100,000 pascals (Pa). It is often used in industrial and automotive sectors for pressure measurement.

4. Millimeter of Mercury (mmHg): Millimeter of mercury is a pressure unit expressed as the height of a mercury column. 1 mmHg is equal to 133.322387415 pascals (Pa). This unit is commonly used in the medical field to measure blood pressure.

5. Pound-Force per Square Inch (psi): Pound-Force per Square Inch is a pressure unit representing the pressure when one pound of force is applied to an area of one square inch. PSI is commonly used in the United States, especially for measuring tire pressure and vehicle performance.

6. Torr: Torr is a pressure unit equivalent to 1 millimeter of mercury (mmHg). Torr is used in low-pressure and vacuum applications.

Pressure units are used for various purposes in different industries, scientific research, and daily life. Selecting the appropriate pressure unit ensures the accuracy and comprehensibility of measurements. Particularly in fields such as medicine, engineering, meteorology, and aviation, accurate pressure measurements are crucial as pressure significantly affects the behavior and performance of matter.

Atmospheric Pressure and Standard Atmosphere Pressure

Atmospheric pressure is the pressure exerted on the Earth's surface by the weight of the air. The atmosphere is the layer of gases that surrounds the Earth and exerts a force towards the Earth's surface due to gravity. This force creates the pressure of the air on the Earth's surface. Atmospheric pressure is calculated by dividing the force applied to a surface by its area.

Units and Measurements:

Atmospheric pressure is commonly expressed in pascal (Pa) or hectopascal (hPa) units. One hectopascal is equal to 100 pascals and is more commonly used. Additionally, the old unit millibar (mb) is sometimes used for atmospheric pressure measurements. One hectopascal is approximately equivalent to 1 millibar.

Standard Atmosphere Pressure (SATP):

Standard atmosphere pressure refers to the average atmospheric pressure measured at sea level and at a temperature of 0°C (273.15 Kelvin). It is defined by international standards and serves as a reference in aviation, meteorology, and scientific research.

According to international standards, the standard atmosphere pressure is considered to be 1013.25 hectopascals or 1013.25 millibars. This value corresponds to the average atmospheric pressure measured at sea level and is referred to as "1 standard atmosphere." Standard atmosphere pressure plays a significant role in aviation for calculating flight altitudes and in evaluating meteorological data.

Changes in Atmospheric Pressure:

Atmospheric pressure varies with geographical altitude and weather conditions. Atmospheric pressure decreases as we ascend to higher elevations from sea level. Additionally, weather conditions can cause fluctuations in pressure. High-pressure air masses are usually associated with sunny and clear weather conditions, while low-pressure air masses trigger more cloudy and rainy weather.

Water Pressure and the Depth-Pressure Relationship

Water pressure is the pressure created by forces acting on the surface of water due to its depth below the sea level. Underwater, as the height of water increases, the pressure exerted on it also increases. This concept is crucial in various fields such as underwater exploration, diving, and underwater structures. The relationship between depth and pressure is based on a fundamental principle as explained below.

The Relationship Between Water Pressure and Depth:

Water pressure is related to the distance from the water surface. At any given point, water pressure varies according to the depth of that point below sea level. Near the sea surface, water pressure is relatively low, while as the depth increases underwater, the water pressure also increases.

Water pressure is directly related to the pressure applied to the surface and increases with depth. At the sea surface, water pressure is zero due to atmospheric pressure. However, as one descends deeper underwater, the weight of the water contributes to the pressure. For every 10 meters (33 feet) of depth, water pressure increases approximately 1 bar (1000 hectopascals or 1000 millibars), which is equivalent to the atmospheric pressure at sea level (1 atm).


The depth-pressure relationship finds application in various fields:

  1. Diving: Divers must take water pressure into account when working at underwater depths. As depth increases, water pressure affects divers and becomes a critical factor in ensuring their safety during dives.
  2. Underwater Research: Submarine explorations are crucial for investigating oceans and underwater structures, and understanding the depth-pressure relationship is essential in this context.
  3. Engineering and Underwater Structures: Underwater structures placed on the ocean floor are designed and constructed based on the depth-pressure relationship. Considering water pressure is vital for ensuring the durability and safety of such structures.


Water pressure is the pressure created by forces acting on water's surface due to its depth below sea level. The depth-pressure relationship is critical for those working underwater and dealing with underwater structures. As depth increases, water pressure also increases, and this relationship is applied in various fields such as diving, underwater exploration, engineering, and underwater structures. Understanding water pressure is vital for ensuring the safety and success of activities taking place underwater.

Industrial Pressure Measurement and Units

In industrial environments, pressure measurement plays a crucial role in controlling various processes and ensuring safety. Pressure measurement is used in systems that involve pressurized gases or liquids, and it is a critical parameter for the efficient operation of processes. Industrial pressure measurement is carried out using different types of pressure measurement devices and units.

Devices Used in Industrial Pressure Measurement:

  1. Manometers: Manometers are the most commonly used devices in pressure measurement. They come in different types, such as liquid-filled manometers and diaphragm manometers. Manometers are typically used in closed systems that involve gases or liquids.
  2. Pressure Sensors: Electronic pressure sensors are precise devices that convert pressure into electrical signals. They are commonly preferred in industrial automation and process control systems.
  3. Transmitters: Pressure transmitters process the measured pressure into electrical signals and transmit data to a remote location. This facilitates data sharing in control rooms or remote data collection systems.

Industrial Pressure Units:

Various units can be used in industrial pressure measurements. The most commonly used industrial pressure units include:

  1. Pascal (Pa): Pascal is the basic pressure unit used in the International System of Units (SI). 1 Pascal is equal to the pressure exerted by 1 Newton on an area of 1 square meter.
  2. Bar: Bar is a pressure unit equal to 100,000 Pa. It is widely used in industrial applications, and 1 bar is close to atmospheric pressure.
  3. Hectopascal (hPa): Hectopascal is a pressure unit equal to 100 Pa. Atmospheric pressure is often measured in hectopascals.
  4. Psi (Pound per Square Inch): Psi represents the pressure exerted when one pound-force is applied to an area of one square inch. It is used in industry, particularly in the United States.

Industrial pressure measurement is essential for making accurate measurements and ensuring safe working conditions. Efficient operation of processes and proper functioning of systems are achieved through appropriate pressure measurement and the selection of correct units. Industrial pressure measurement plays a critical role in the daily operations of many industrial facilities, from factories to refineries.

Pressure Measurements Used in Medicine

In medicine, pressure measurements play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating various health conditions, as well as monitoring and tracking patients' health status. Pressure measurements used in the medical field allow for the evaluation of different organs and systems, contributing to the understanding of patients' health conditions. Here are some important pressure measurements used in medicine:

1. Blood Pressure: Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by the blood on the walls of arteries as it is pumped by the heart. Medically, it is typically measured as two values - the systolic and diastolic pressure. The systolic pressure represents the maximum pressure exerted by the heart as it beats, while the diastolic pressure represents the minimum pressure exerted by the heart when it is at rest. Blood pressure measurements are critical in detecting and monitoring health conditions such as hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure).

2. Intracranial Pressure: Intracranial pressure refers to the pressure inside the brain. Increased intracranial pressure due to imbalances in brain fluids or as a result of trauma can lead to brain damage and other serious health issues. Intracranial pressure measurements are essential for monitoring brain damage and determining treatment plans.

3. Intraocular Pressure (Eye Pressure): Intraocular pressure is the pressure exerted by fluids within the eye. High intraocular pressure may indicate a condition known as glaucoma and can lead to vision loss. Intraocular pressure measurements are used in diagnosing and treating glaucoma.

4. Urinary Outlet Pressure: Urinary outlet pressure refers to the pressure exerted by urine as it exits the urinary tract. Low or high urinary outlet pressure during the bladder emptying process helps in evaluating bladder functions and identifying urinary tract problems.

5. Wound Pressure (Pressure Ulcer Pressure): Wound pressure is the pressure applied to tissue or skin in a wound. In patients with prolonged immobility or bedridden conditions, wound pressure measurements are used to prevent and treat bedsores (pressure ulcers).

Pressure measurements used in medicine play a critical role in assessing patients' health conditions and determining treatment plans. These measurements help healthcare professionals understand patients' conditions and provide appropriate care and treatment. Accurate and timely pressure measurements contribute to improving patient health outcomes and preventing serious complications.

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